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Dagens namn: Martin, Martina

Dikten som måste läsas två gånger

Publicerad 2014-03-19

En 14-årig killes dikt får världen att häpna.

14-årige Jordan Nichols dikt Our Generation har fått stor spridning i tidningar och på sociala medier.

Jordan Nichols, 14, skrev en dikt.

Hans storebror Derek fick lov att läsa den och insåg direkt att den var ett poem alldeles utöver det vanliga.

Han tog en bild och lade ut den på internet.

Nu har dikten blivit en stor snackis på nätet. Bilden har delats 150 000 gånger på Twitter.

Hemligheten är att dikten inte avslöjar sin egentliga mening förrän läsaren har tagit sig igenom den två gånger.

Our generation will be known for nothing.

Never will anybody say,

We were the peak of mankind.

That is wrong, the truth is

Our generation was a failure.

Thinking that

We actually succeeded

Is a waste. And we know

Living only for money and power

Is the way to go.

Being loving, respectful, and kind

Is a dumb thing to do.

Forgetting about that time,

Will not be easy, but we will try.

Changing our world for the better

Is something we never did.

Giving up

Was how we handled our problems.

Working hard

Was a joke.

We knew that

People thought we couldn’t come back

That might be true,

Unless we turn things around

Läs den nu baklänges:

Unless we turn things around

That might be true,

People thought we couldn’t come back

We knew that

Was a joke.

Working hard

Was how we handled our problems.

Giving up

Is something we never did.

Changing our world for the better

Will not be easy, but we will try.

Forgetting about that time,

Is a dumb thing to do.

Being loving, respectful, and kind

Is the way to go.

Living only for money and power

Is a waste. And we know

We actually succeeded

Thinking that

Our generation was a failure.

That is wrong, the truth is

We were the peak of mankind.

Never will anybody say,

Our generation will be known for nothing.